There are a variety of resources that you can turn to in order to increase your chances of being offered a job. There’s more that goes into getting a job than simply putting in an application. When you add in a few of these things that will help, you will increase your chances of being hired. Whether you do one or more of these options, it’s nice to know that employment help for felons is there for those who need it.

Coach – Working with an employment coach can help you a lot when it comes to getting hired. A coach can help you improve your outlook, attitude, and identify those areas that you need to work on to become more employable. Your coach may help you focus on positive thinking, improving your interviewing skills, or to set your sights on a particular employment area. They can often help you see what you don’t see, which will give you a leg up in being able to be hired.
Employment Service – Most cities offer employment services. These are businesses where you can go and apply with them in order to become employed by a different company. These places usually represent another company that has contracted with them. They will evaluate your skills, and help you find a temporary job to work at. If you work at the job for a few months and they like you, then they will often offer you a job directly. Working with an employment service is a good way to get your foot in the door and then be able to get hired directly with the company you are placed at. It gives them a chance to try you out, and you can do the same.
Professional Resume – If you have been creating your own resume it may not be helping matters. Your resume gives potential employers their first look at you and what you have to offer. It’s important to have a good resume that helps you focus on your strengths and will increase your chances of getting an interview. If you don’t know how to prepare a professional resume then get help creating one. Ask if there are any friends or family members that know how to create a good one. You can also check with your local library to see if they can offer assistance on this, or you can hire someone to make one for you.
Recommendation Letter – If you have someone who can write a letter of recommendation for you, that alone can help increase your chances of being hired. Find someone who is in a professional position who can write a recommendation letter, explaining why they think you would be great in the position you are applying for. Submit that with your resume or let them know you do have a recommendation letter you can share with them, if they would like to see it.
Getting Employment Help
If you need some help being able to find a job, don’t hesitate to reach out and find the help you need. Check with your local library to see what type of services they can provide, as well as places like Goodwill and your local employment office. Each of these places offers different types of programs that can help you find a job.
Felons may need some additional assistance finding employment. The help is available for those who need it and want to take advantage of the services. Many of the services will be free, but there may be a small fee for some of them, such as if you hire a coach or someone to write your resume for you. Don’t shy away from spending a little money for those services, however, because it is essentially an investment in you. If you get the job, the money is going to come back to you soon.