Grants for Felons in Colorado

Felons in Colorado who need help paying the bills will find that there are some grant programs that they may qualify for. Many of the programs are federally funded and are part of larger government programs offered to the whole country. You will also find some grant programs that are offered through smaller organizations that may help pay the bills during times of need.

Grants for Felons in Colorado

Grant programs are helpful when someone doesn’t have the money they need to pay for their bills. Grants do not typically need to be paid back, so they provide a stress-free option for getting your needs met. Felons who need help paying the bills will find that there are grant programs to help with the rent, food, utilities, healthcare, and more. Each program varies in the qualifications and length the grant is provided, so be sure to read up on them carefully to see which ones are right for you.

Grants for Felons in Colorado

Colorado Works – The national program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is called Colorado Works in the state of Colorado. Felons who need cash assistance to help cover their cost of living may qualify for Colorado Works. Those who qualify for the program receive a monthly cash grant that can be used on living expenses, including housing, food, bills, healthcare, and more. In order to qualify you have to have a minor child and meet the low income requirements. The program also helps with helping people find job opportunities. To apply, click here.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Felons who need help with obtaining food may qualify for SNAP. The program was formerly called food stamps, and is federally funded. Those who qualify for the program will receive an electronic debit card, where the grant will be transferred to each month. You can then use that to pay for your groceries at the store or farmer’s market. Most people who have a low income are approved for a monthly SNAP benefit. To qualify, you have to be a citizen or legal alien, you have to have a social security number for each person in the household, and you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.

Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) – Colorado has a program that helps people to obtain the basic hygiene items that they need each month. The PNA program is open to anyone who is low income that lives in a facility. To apply, click here.

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) – Felons who need help paying for their heating bills may qualify for a grant through LEAP. The program makes the payment directly to the energy provider on your behalf. They have limited funds each year for the program, and grants are paid on a first come first served basis of those who qualify for the help. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements, and reside at the home you are seeking a grant for. They also offer emergency grants for those who have received a disconnect notice. To apply for LEAP in Colorado, click here.

Health First Colorado – This program is Colorado’s Medicaid, which provides health insurance to those with a low income. In order to qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements, whether you have children or not. Those who are approved will have their healthcare costs covered, including for hospital stays, doctor visits, prescriptions, dental services, newborn care, wellness services, and more. To apply, click here.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Felons who need help paying for housing in Colorado may qualify for a HUD program. The federally funded programs help people obtain affordable housing, helps people avoid foreclosure, and provides weatherization services. HUD also owns low income housing units, called Section 8, which you may qualify for. To qualify, you have to be a citizen or legal alien, and meet the low income requirements. To apply for HUD programs in Colorado, click here.

Hunger Free Colorado – Those who need help obtaining food can contact Hunger Free Colorado. Their food pantry network helps people by providing boxes of food and ready-to-eat meals. They do not have strict requirements to qualify for the help. To get more information, click here.

Catholic Charities – Felons who need help with food, clothing, housing, and emergency funding may be able to get assistance from Catholic Charities. Their charity programs are available throughout Colorado, and they do not have strict requirements for qualifying. The programs are open to those who need the help. To get more information, click here.

Felons who need help in Colorado will find that there is a mix of federal and local programs that they can turn to. Many of the programs require you to prove you have a low income. Some may provide short term help, while others will offer assistance for a longer period of time. Apply for multiple grant programs to see which ones you can get help from.