Grants for Felons in California

California is one of the most costly states in the country in which to live. This can make it difficult for felons to be able to meet all of their needs financially. The good news is that there are grants for felons in California. Once you learn about the grants that are available you will be able to find the ones you are qualified for and get the help you need. The grants that are available will help pay the bills, pay rent, provide you with food, and more.

Grants for Felons in California

Grants typically do not need to be paid back. This means that the grants that you receive can be used to help you get on your feet, and you won’t have to worry about trying to pay them back later. Review the list of grants below to determine which ones you may be qualified for. Each grant varies in the qualifications needed to receive it, and the duration that it is provided.

Grants for Felons in California

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Housing is one of the biggest expenses that people have. If you are having difficulty paying for your rent or fear losing your home to foreclosure, you can contact HUD to inquire about their programs. The programs they offer will help people obtain affordable housing, help pay their rent, and help people avoid foreclosure. To qualify for the HUD programs in California you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.

Get Cal Fresh – In California, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) is called Get Cal Fresh. The program provides those in need with food assistance. It takes about 10 minutes to apply for SNAP benefits online, and you may qualify for a monthly grant of $194 per household. The monthly grant can be used to purchase food at the grocery store or farmer’s market. Once you apply, it takes about a month to be approved. If you need food assistance immediately, you can apply for expedited services and obtain help within three days. Those who are approved will receive their monthly SNAP benefit on a debit-style card each month. To apply for Get Cal Fresh, click here.

Medi-Cal – The Medi-Cal program provides health insurance to those who have a low income and need the assistance. Those who qualify will get help paying for their healthcare needs. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. If you do not meet the requirements, they will try to help you find services in your county that can help with your healthcare needs. To apply, click here.

CalWorks – The CalWorks is the same program as the national one called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The program provides cash to help people with such needs as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and paying bills. The cash grants do not have to be paid back, and can be used on any necessary expenses. To qualify, you have to be low income, and have a minor child you are caring for. To apply for the program, click here.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Felons who need help paying their heating and cooling bills may qualify for assistance through LIHEAP. The program, which is federally funded, helps people pay for their energy bills in California. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. The program also provides access to utility bill discounts, weatherization services, and energy budget counseling. The program will pay for your energy bill one time per qualifying year. If you have received a shut-off or disconnect notice you may be able to get emergency assistance. To apply, click here.

PACE – This organization in California helps people with a variety of needs. They will help with emergency utility bill payments, home weatherization services, childcare program payments, affordable housing, home repairs, and more. To get more information and apply for help, click here.

Lifeline – Felons in California who need access to a low cost phone may qualify for the Lifeline program. The program helps those with a low income to be able to have a phone. If you qualify, you will get a discounted mobile phone program, or you can use the discount on a home phone. Many people who qualify for the program pay only $10 per month for their phone service. To apply, click here.

California has many programs that offer grants for felons. While the programs listed above are better known, there are many offered around the state by organizations and churches. Check with your local churches and non-profit organizations, such as the United Way, to find more localized grant program. Many of the grant programs will help you pay bills, provide transportation vouchers, provide you with food, and help you with meeting many of your other needs. Apply for each of the grant programs for felons in California to see which ones you are qualified for.