- Transitions Abroad – jobs, programs, helpful info and articles
- GoAbroad – jobs and programs around the world
- Working Traveller – €10 per year membership fee
- GoOverseas – jobs abroad, teachings jobs, online jobs
- Idealist – find international internships, mini-jobs and volunteer opportunities
- Backpacker Job Board – Australia’s most popular job site for working holiday makers. Featuring jobs in farming and fruit picking to au pair jobs and hospitality work.
- WorkingHoliday – Australia and New Zealand
- BUNAC – working holidays and internships in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Hosteljobs – search engine for jobs in hostels for those interested in doing a backpacker working holiday at a hostel, among fellow travellers
- HostelTravelJobs
- TEFL – get certified and find top placements English teaching placements in countries around the world
- Comparison Table for TEFL Platforms
- 7 Key Tips to Evaluating a TEFL / TESOL Training School
- Aupair.com
- Au Pair International
- Au Pair World
- Yoga Trade – yoga instructor jobs and worldwide wellness opportunities
- Yogatraveljobs
- Problogger
- WeWorkRemotely
- Glassdoor
- Remote.co
- Upwork
- Info on required permits and visas