About Us

About Abrightsite.com

Abrightsite.com is dedicated to helping felons return to the workforce, find housing and other needs by providing up to date and relevant information. We are always working to expand our database to include new information about jobs, training, loans/grants and job skills among other things.

Changing Lives

Many felons want to change their lives but often find that their past haunts them when it comes down to finding a job, housing or applying for a loan. We are here to try and break the barriers that felons face on the outside. The stigma attached to ex-felons is often unfounded and judgmental. Most felons seeking work are not hardened criminals, violent or habitual criminals.

Up to date information

There are almost no current/updated resources available for ex-felons. While most prison systems have programs for inmates to attend there are almost no transitional programs for felons outside of the walls. We hope that we can help fill this void for ex felons that are trying to get back on their feet.

How you can help us

We are an independent free standing organization that does not accept donations or tax breaks. The only thing that we ask of our users is that you like our pages on facebook, spread the word about us and to comment on articles.  If you need further information or have suggestions please let us know!

Even if we can help one person return to a good, wholesome life it is well worth the effort. We wish you all the best!

Stay informed, stay connected, with abrightsite.com.

For any inquiries, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at webmaster@abrightsite.com.