Felons in Alabama may benefit from some grants that can help them get back on their feet. Many people who finish serving their sentences feel that it can be difficult to obtain a job and get their life back on track. The good news is that there are programs in place to help you do just that. There are grants for felons in Alabama that will help you have your basic needs met, while you continue to work on putting your life back on the right track.

With each program you will need to apply according to their directions. Some grant programs for felons require you to apply once, while others may require that you re-apply on a yearly basis. Be sure to check the requirements when applying for the programs so that you can meet the requirements and receive the assistance. You will find that there are grants for felons in Alabama that will help with housing, food, healthcare, utility payments, and more.Grants for Felons in Alabama
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – The TANF program in Alabama offers short term cash assistance for families that need assistance. In order to qualify for the program you must be a citizen or legal alien, meet the low income requirements, and you have to have minor children. If you are approved for the program you will receive a cash grant each month for a short period of time. The cash does not have to be paid back, and can be used to meet any of your essential needs, such as buying food, paying for rent, or obtaining things you need from the store. To apply for the program, click here.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – This federal program helps people to obtain food. Those who qualify will receive a credit-card like SNAP benefit card, which will be electronically loaded each month with your grant. The card can then be used at the store to purchase grocery items. In order to qualify you have to meet the low income requirements and be a citizen or legal alien. If approved, you will have to submit a report every six months to update your financial situation. To apply, click here.
Medicaid – Felons in Alabama in need of health insurance may qualify for Medicaid, which is federally funded. The program has low income requirements that you will need to meet. If approved, Medicaid will help cover the costs of your healthcare needs. To apply for the program, click here.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Those in need of housing assistance in the state of Alabama will find that they may qualify for help through HUD. The federal program offers help with obtaining affordable housing and rent assistance, as well as helping people to avoid foreclosure. To apply for the program, click here.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – This federal program will help felons who have a low income to pay their utility bills. They provide utility bill assistance, as well as weatherization services. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.
Shepherds Fold Alabama – This is a re-entry program specifically for those who need transitional housing and help to get on their feet. The re-entry program runs for six months and helps people with housing, clothing, food, obtaining identification, education assistance, job training, and more. Those who complete the program gain life skills, as well as the help they need to re-enter society and be successful. To apply, click here.
United Way – Depending on your current needs, the United Way may be able to help. The group provides a wide variety of assistance programs to help those in need, including felons. Their programs help with housing assistance, food assistance, and more. The programs are designed for those who meet low income requirements, but they may not go in-depth to verify your income or status. To get more information and apply, click here.
Hope for Prisoners – This program focuses on helping felons with re-entry, including gaining job skills. The program aims to help transform lives and get people on the track when re-entering society after being incarcerated. To get more information, click here.
Lifeline – If you need phone bill assistance you may qualify for help through the Lifeline program. The program pays for your cell phone bill each month, including providing you with free data, unlimited texting, and voice mail. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.
The grants for felons in Alabama can be important to helping you become stable and get your life back on track. Many of these programs are available for a short period of time, while others will provide assistance longer. Be sure to also check with your local churches, as many of them offer food pantry services.