Grants for Felons in Alaska

Felons living in Alaska may qualify for grant programs that will help them become more stable. The grants for felons in Alaska will help with such things as paying rent and bills, and covering the costs of food and healthcare. There are also re-entry assistance programs that will help with education assistance and other needs. The programs all have income requirements and you may need to provide proof that you have a low income in order to be approved.

Grants for Felons in Alaska

Felons in Alaska may find it difficult to find a job, which makes it challenging to have all of their basic needs met. The grants are a good way to help keep your needs met while you are working on getting your life back on track. Be sure to check the application process and requirements closely for each program. Some may require you to apply once, while others may require you to submit additional reports as time goes on.

Grants for Felons in Alaska

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – There are HUD programs that are open to some felons in the state of Alaska. The federal program offers housing assistance by helping to provide access to low cost options, as well as by helping people to avoid foreclosure. You have to meet the low income requirements in order to be approved for the program. To apply, click here.

Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) – In addition to checking with local churches and food pantries for help getting good, you may qualify for SNAP. The federal program provides those who qualify with a monthly grant that they can use to purchase groceries. The grant is electronically added to a debit-style card that you can use to pay for your items each month. In order to qualify you have to meet the low income requirements. There are no age limits on who can receive SNAP grants, but you must be a citizen or legal immigrant. Those who are considered able-bodied between the ages of 16-59 will have to apply for a work training program in order to keep getting the grant. To apply, click here.

Heating Assistance Program (HAP) – Felons who have difficulty paying for their heating bills may qualify for assistance through HAP. In order to qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements and your heating bill has to be at least $200 per year. This program is open to those who rent or own their own home. The program opens to applicants every October 1, with the last day of heating assistance being April 30. To apply, click here.

Adult Public Assistance (APA) – The APA program is specifically for those who are under the age of 65 and are blind or disabled. Those who qualify for the program will receive a monthly cash grant to help with their living costs. The grant does not have to be paid back. This program is only open to citizens or those who are legal immigrants. Some people who are over the age of 65 and are not blind or disabled may also qualify. To apply, click here.

General Relief Assistance (GRA) – Felons in Alaska who need cash assistance may qualify for the GRA program. The program provides cash assistance to those who meet the qualifications. The funds can be used for basic needs, such as food, housing, bills, and clothing. In order to qualify for the grant you have to meet the low income requirement, have limited resources, and have an immediate need for a basic resource. The program is only open to citizens and legal aliens. To apply, click here.

Medicaid – Some felons in the state of Alaska may qualify for healthcare assistance through the federal program Medicaid. The program is open to those who have dependent children, have a low income, and meet other types of criteria. Those who are approved will obtain assistance paying for their medical expenses. To apply, click here.

Alaska Native Justice Center – The organization provides a felon re-entry program. The program will help felons with housing assistance, transportation vouchers, vocational training programs, and more. To get more information or apply, click here.

Partners for Progress – This organization provides re-entry assistance for felons. The program offers support groups, employment skills training, mentoring, referrals to local services, and more. They also offer some felons short term assistance with things such as housing, bus passes, and obtaining food. For more information or to apply, click here.

The grants for felons in Alaska can be a good way to get your basic needs covered, while you are working at bettering your situation. In addition to these programs, be sure to check with your local churches to see what type of assistance programs they offer. Some provide help with paying bills and giving people free meals and boxes of food.