Felons in Arkansas may be able to qualify for grant programs if they need assistance. The grant programs have been developed to help people in need. The programs help people pay for their rent, obtain food, and pay their utility bills. Some of the programs offered are federally funded, while others are provided through charities and locally funded programs.

Those applying for grants for felons in Arkansas should pay close attention to the qualification requirements for each program. The programs vary in how they are run, the qualifications needed, and the length of time the grant is provided. Felons will find that there are several helpful programs they can turn to for help while they get their life back on the right track.
Grants for Felons in Arkansas
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This is a federally funded program that provides cash assistance to those who need help. The cash grant does not have to be paid back and can be used on any type of living expenses, including rent, food, clothing, or paying bills. To qualify for the program, you have to have at least one minor child you are caring for. There is also a work program associated with this program, which helps people obtain a paying job. To qualify for TNAF, you have to be a citizen or legal alien, and meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – This federally-funded program is formally known as food stamps. The program provides those who qualify with a monthly grant they can use to purchase groceries. Felons who need help with buying groceries may qualify for the program. Those who are approved will receive a grant each month that is electronically put on a debit-style card, which they can use at the grocery store to pay for their food. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements and be a citizen or legal alien. To apply, click here.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Felons who need help paying for utility bills may qualify for help through LIHEAP. The program is federally funded, and helps people pay for their heating bills. Each year, this program in Arkansas helps 60,000 households to pay for their heating bills. They will also help p with weatherization services, and they offer emergency services. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.
Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) – This program is for those who are in a transitional phase, trying to become more self sufficient. The program provides those who qualify with a monthly cash grant to help with their living expenses. The grant does not have to be paid back. You do have to have a dependent minor child in order to qualify for the program, and you need to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Felons who need help paying rent or finding affordable housing may qualify for assistance through HUD. The federally funded program offers vouchers to help pay for housing, helps people avoid foreclosure, and also has housing complexes in the state where people can live if they qualify. To qualify for HUD assistance you have to be a citizen or legal alien, and meet the low income requirements. HUD also provides weatherization assistance for those who would like to save money on their monthly energy bills. To apply for HUD programs in Arkansas, click here.
Medicaid – Those who need help paying for their medical care may qualify for Medicaid in Arkansas. The program is provided by the federal government. Those who qualify for the program will receive assistance paying for their healthcare needs, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescriptions. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements and be a citizen or legal alien. To apply, click here.
Lifeline – It’s imperative that most people have a phone, so that they can have a way to communicate with others, even if it’s just for emergency purposes. Yet having a mobile phone can be costly. Felons who need help paying for a phone bill may qualify for the federally funded Lifeline program. The program provides a discount on your mobile phone bill. Those who qualify may be able to get basic phone service for as low as $10 per month. To qualify you have be receiving one of the other grant programs, such as SNAP, Medicaid, or TANF. To apply, click here.
In addition to these, there are other types of grants for felons in Arkansas. Check with your local churches and outreach organizations. Many offer free food, help paying the bills, clothing, transportation vouchers, and other items that people to meet their basic needs. Most church related programs do not require any type of income verification and are open to everyone who needs the help.