Grants for Felons in Delaware

Delaware offers several programs that provide grants for felons who need financial assistance. The programs are often federally funded, but there are also some that are state and locally funded. The programs can play an important role in helping felons to get back on their feet, meeting their basic needs as they do it.

Grants for Felons in Delaware

Grants for felons in Delaware are available to those who have a financial need. This means that for all of the federally funded programs you will have to show that you have a low income. Some have other requirements you may need to meet as well. Most programs provide short term grant assistance, while others may provide it on a longer term basis. Be sure to check out all of the grants to see which ones you may qualify for.

Grants for Felons in Delaware

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Felons who need help with housing and paying their rent may want to explore the programs available through HUD. This federally funded program will help those who qualify to be able to locate affordable housing, pay their rent, and avoid foreclosure. They also have Section 8 housing available, and help with weatherization services. To qualify for their programs you have to meet the low income requirements and be a citizen or legal alien. To learn more about HUD in Delaware and apply, click here.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This program provides cash assistance to those who apply. The monthly cash grant, which is given for a short period, can be used to pay for all types of essential living expenses. The funds can be used to pay for transportation, housing, food, paying bills, and more. In order to qualify for the program you have to be taking care of at least one minor child, be a citizen or legal alien, and have a low income. The monthly grant you receive depends on your household income. For example, those who have two in their household will receive $270 per month. To apply, click here.

General Assistance – The General Assistance program in Delaware is for those adults who need cash assistance, but do not meet the qualifications for the TANF program. There are program requirements that have to be met in order to get the cash grant, such as being too sick to work, staying home to take care of a sick family member, being 55 or up and having no other income, or being a high school student over the age of 18 who will graduate within two years. To apply for the General Assistance program, click here.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – The Delaware SNAP program is federally funded, and used to be referred to as food stamps. The program provides those who qualify with a monthly grant that can be used to purchase food. If you qualify, you will receive a debit-style card where funds will be electronically added each month. Then you can use that card to pay for groceries at the store. To qualify, you have to show that you have a low income, and are a citizen or eligible alien. To apply for SNAP in Delaware, click here.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Felons who need help paying their utility bills may qualify for a grant through LIHEAP. The program is federally funded and helps pay for the heating and cooling bills of those who have a low income. The provide fuel assistance from October 1 through March 31, crisis assistance, and summer cooling bill paying assistance from June through August. To apply, click here.

Medicaid – Felons who need help paying medical bills may want to apply for Medicaid. The federally funded program helps those with a low income by paying for their healthcare expenses. Those who are approved for the program will have such expenses paid for as doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, dental visits, and more. In order to qualify, you have to have a low income and be a citizen or legal alien. To apply, click here.

Lifeline – Those who need help paying for a phone bill may be able to get help through the Lifeline program. This federally funded program pays for people to have a phone, either a land line or mobile phone. In order to qualify, you have to be low income. If you are already receiving a grant from another qualifying program, such as SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid, then you will automatically be approved for this grant. To apply for a Lifeline phone, click here.

In addition to these grant programs for felons in Delaware, you can explore local options. Many churches and non-profit organizations offer cash grants, transportation vouchers, food assistance, and more. Check with your local churches to inquire about what type of services are available to help you through difficult times.