There was a time when it would have been difficult for felons to obtain a government job. This is because they would have to disclose on the application that they had been convicted of a crime. When President Obama was in office, however, all of that changed. The actions that he took made it easier for felons to obtain government jobs.

During late 2015, President Obama took action to help address an issue that had been hurting felons for quite some time. His administration recognized that felons were having difficulty being able to get government jobs, because they had to immediately disclose that they had been convicted of a felony.
The action that the president took was to do what was called “banning the box.” What that meant was that felons who were filling out an application for a government job would no longer have to check the box that indicated they had prior convictions. This opened the door to felons being able to have a fair shot at getting hired into government jobs.
How Can a Felon Get a Government Job?
Now that you know it is completely possible for a felon to get a government job, it’s a good idea to learn how you can go about finding one. Many government jobs can be found online, so that is a good place to start. That way you have the convenience of being at your own computer as you job hunt.
One of the ways you can find a government job is to log onto the federal site that offers job postings. The job postings are updated regularly, so you should check back frequently to see what jobs are posted. When you are at that site, you can search for different types of jobs. Put in the keywords for the type of job or field you would like to work in and see what comes up. You can also narrow it down by geographic location, but putting in your city, state, or zip code. To access the USA Jobs government website, click here.
To make it easier for a felon to get a government job, use the site to your full advantage. They offer the ability to create an account where you can upload your resume. You also want to ensure that your resume is searchable, so that if they are looking for a particular skill and if you have it then it will show up in their search results.
There are government job categories that make it easier to narrow down the options. You will find there are jobs that are open to the public, veterans, National Guard, senior executives, military spouses, students, individuals, those with disabilities, and more. These categories just help to organize the many jobs that are within the system.
Additional Government Jobs
The USA Jobs website focuses on federal government jobs. There are additional government jobs that can be found at the state and local level. These jobs still offer job security and most should follow suit in not discriminating against felons. While you may find it challenging to get jobs in some of the places, you should be able to find some states and counties that will hire felons.
Felons can find government jobs on a state level by searching for the official site for their state. Once you find the official website for your state, they should have employment information on there. Most states offer an employment database that features jobs that are available around the state. You can usually narrow it down by county and do a search by job type.
Additionally, your local government may have job openings. To find these, do a search for the official site for your county or city. Look for the employment information on the site. There are not as may job openings throughout the year on the local level, but they do still arise, so it’s worth taking a look to see what is available.
Good Government Jobs
There is a reason why so many people want to get government jobs. They tend to pay well and come with good benefits. Being able to work for the government gives you some job security. Felons who want to work for the government can take advantage of the changes in laws that would have previously held them back.
Felons can get hired for government jobs. Find the jobs you want to apply for and go after them with confidence. Having a felony charge on your record should not hold you back from being able to get good jobs, especially when it comes to working for the government. Start searching around for the jobs that are available and see what you can find. Locate the jobs you are interested in and qualified for and submit your application to see what happens.