Small Business Grants for Felons

Felons can start a business with as little as a couple of hundred dollars, depending on what type of business they want to start. Whether they want to start a landscaping business, window cleaning company, or mobile detailing service, the possibilities are endless. There is no shortage of small business ideas, but each of them usually takes some money to get it started. There is equipment and tools that need to be purchased, as well as some funds to help with marketing.

Raising the Funding

Once you know what type of business you would like to start, it’s time to get busy finding the funding to help make it happen. Raising the funds to start a small business can be difficult for felons and non-felons alike. The good news is that there are small business grants for felons. You can apply for all of them that you feel you qualify for; so that you increase your chances of getting the funding you need to start a small business.

Grants, unlike loans, do not ever have to be paid back. If you are awarded a grant you will be able to use the funds for your small business, without worrying about having to come up with the money to pay it back. Grants are typically given with no strings attached. They are provided to felons as gifts to help them with their goals.

Small Business Grants for Felons

Small Business Grants for Felons

US Small Business Administration – This is a segment of the federal government that focuses on small businesses in the country. Every year, they award grants to help with starting and growing small businesses. They also provide business counseling for those who want to start a small company, but are unsure how to do it. To get more information about their grant program or apply for one, click here.

Ben & Jerry’s – The Ben & Jerry’s company may be famous for their ice cream, but they do also give back to the community. One way they give back is to give away grants each year. The company focuses on making positive change in the community and they do so through giving grants away. The grants they give are up to $25,000. To get more information about their grant program, click here.

MicroGrants – This program offers $1,000 grants to help felons with their goals. Depending on the type of business you would like to start, that may be all you need to get going. You do have to have a low income in order to qualify for the grant. To get more information or apply for one of the $1,000 MicroGrants, click here.

Check with your state – Most states governments offer small business grants. They have a program in place that will allow you to apply for a grant to start or grow your small business. To learn more about state small business grants for felons, find your state government website. You need to contact them to inquire about their small business grant programs. Also, your local city or county government may have a grant program in place, so be sure to check with them as well.

Getting Funding

Being able to obtain the necessary funding to start or grow your small business can make a world of difference. Felons who want to start a small business have options that can help them do that through grant programs. Grant programs are put in place to help provide people in the community with the funding source they need to reach their goals.

When you start a small business in your area you will be contributing to your community in a big way. Plus, as a felon, you will be taking great strides to get your life on the right path. These are both considered to be pros when it comes to those who consider who gets awarded small business grants.

It’s a good idea to ensure you have your small business plans organized when applying for the grant. You will need to know what type of business you plan to start, how will start and run it and how much money is needed to get it started. You don’t need anything fancy in terms of a business plan, but you do need to have these items thought out and documented.